Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Downward Spiral of Humanity

Last night, Hugh Hewitt discussed a horrific story that had just hit the news wires. It was reported that doctors in the Netherlands had actually euthanized several babies and that they were establishing guidelines that would constitute a legal framework allowing such procedures to continue. The Netherlands was the first country to legally allow terminally-ill adults to consent to euthanasia. Under these new guidelines, however, an independent committee would make the decision for those who are incapable of doing so. Humanity has sunk to a new low.

I remember debating this topic in college. I find it interesting that those who opposed euthanasia often described how if we allowed for adults to be euthanized, it would eventually spread to the mentally impaired, those with debilitating illnesses, and whoever the government decided were no longer fit to live. Supporters, of course, argued that opponents were taking their parade-of-horribles argument to the extreme. Euthanasia, they assured us, could be controlled and that it would never advance to the examples of the holocaust. Well, it has begun. We are now headed on a downward spiral that, if left unchecked, will be devastating for the human race.

As I was listening last night, I foresaw a possible scenario that could develop if these procedures are embraced and spread beyond the boarders of the Netherlands.

What has been and looks to be one of the biggest political issues in our country? What issue do many in this country feel needs to be addressed immediately? It is the rising cost of health care.

I can see it now, especially if someone from the insurance industry makes their way on to the committee that decides life and death. It will no longer be just an issue of whether the person is suffering or whether they will be productive. Instead, the committee will examine how much it will cost to keep that person alive. They will run a cost-benefit analysis. It will be sold as a way to help reduce health care costs.

Now those who support euthanasia will argue that I am being outlandish and extreme. But then again, ten years ago it would have been outlandish and extreme to think that babies would be euthanized.

Stay healthy. Stay very healthy.


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