Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Dessert Bar

For many of us, tomorrow is a day of sweet frosting. Unfortunately, I have to work, but the VCR will be set to watch President Bush be sworn in for his second term. Justice Rehnquist is set to do the honors, although his health has faltered considerably.

In lieu of the Gonzalez and Rice Senate hearings, this portends a long and protracted fight. The conservative element cannot compromise on getting their nominees confirmed. It should be an interesting year, even if the Chief Justice's health improves.

And to the lovable lefty, who keeps sending me stuff like this; how is it you spent all that money on a quality liberal arts education and never learned to spot a straw man?

After listening to some of Kerry's interrogation of Condi yesterday, all I can say is Thank God. Oh, and four more years.


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