Wednesday, January 19, 2005


In the previous discussion regarding the worthiness of non-profits in ameliorationg suffering, I realized that I may have done disservice, by only citing two worthy examples. Of course there exist a great many fine organizations, but I would like to highlight another for your consideration.

One great pain, that many couples endure is that of infertility, loss of pregnancy, stillbirth, SIDS, and failed adoptions. Recently, a prayer request came through our Sunday school class. A class member's dear friends lost their toddler son in a horrible accident. Shortly thereafter, a friend of ours experienced a horrible tragedy as well.

Around this time, I became reacquainted with some dear friends who have a powerful ministry regarding the unspeakable and profound pain, such a loss brings. The Missing GRACE Organization is well equipped in meeting such sufferring head on. They are having their annual conference April 23rd-24th at the Doubletree Hotel Minneapolis Park Place. If you would like to volunteer or make a donation (I suggest both) to this worthy cause, please do so through the link above. MissingGRACE is an invaluable resource for hurting families and professional counselors/therapists alike. Grieve-Restore-Arise-Commemorate-Educate. Dig deep.


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