Thursday, December 02, 2004

Today, I met a great man

I finally got to meet him. I met James Lileks. (insert awe inspiring music here) I know I sound a little bit like a star-struck teenager … o.k., I sound a lot like a star-struck teenager.

I read “The Bleat” every day. I read his columns in the paper. I now own one of his books (note to self: buy the other book). I even time my commute home on Mondays so that I can listen to him on Hugh Hewitt’s show. Based on this information you either think that I am a big fan or very sick individual in need of professional help. Well, I can assure you that I am big fan (twitch, twitch).

His writing is great. His sense of humor is even better.

I also connect with him when he writes about Gnat, his daughter. My daughter will turn four in a few days. So, when he describes the cute things his daughter is doing or tells about the questions she is asking, it really hits home for me.

I was reading “The Bleat” whenever I could earlier this year. But, I truly became hooked after reading about how he had to get rid of the wasps that had taken over Gnat’s play house. I was laughing out loud at work. I too had just had to get rid of a wasp nest on our house earlier that week and his description was accurate to the last detail, including what I/he was thinking while I/he was attempting to destroy the nest

It was also Jim (and Hugh) that got me started blogging. I think it was even a conversation with Grisby in my back yard about something that Lileks had written this past summer that got us thinking of starting a blog together. And in my very first post, I attempted to use some “Lilekian” tone and humor in my writing. He is in no danger from me.

But, today I got to meet him. I enjoy his writing and he is inspirational in my blogging. So, I figure I can be a little star-struck. He was a little shorter than I expected. Although when your almost six-four, everyone tends to be a little shorter than you expect. Jim was pleasant and took time to chat with everyone. As I waited in line, I told myself, “when you meet him, don’t say anything stupid.” To my relief, I didn’t. We talked, he signed my copy of his book and I was on my way. It was a day to remember.

And please everyone, if you haven’t already, go out and by a copy of Interior Desecrations. If you have purchased a copy, buy another. They make great gifts. After all, Gnat needs to go to a good college.

Jim, if you are reading this, you are the greatest and I hope I haven’t inflated your ego too much. And no, a restraining order will not be necessary.


At 4:08 PM, Blogger Grisby said...

Effusive praise for a worthy and influential writer. What about a Lileks addiction support group?


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