Friday, May 27, 2005

A Day In The Life

Up at 6:15, as the littlest grisby was fussin. Couldn't get back to sleep as I felt a pain similar to when I had a kidney stone about 10 years ago. Not fun. The recollection of which is enough to make me want to hide away and pray for the sweet relief death would bring. Fortunately, for me, the moment subsided and the day went on.

Off to the office and two appointments. Good meetings make the day go quick, which is nice heading into a long holiday weekend. Speaking of which, personally thank a veteran this weekend. Turns out my good friend, Lt. Anderson, a.k.a., Chappy, who happens to be serving with the Marines 3/2 in Iraq, was the subject of a USA Today article on Tuesday. Check him out, he's in the Life section and was the subject of a previous post in February. A great reminder of the sacrifices our brave men and women are making each and every day.

If only those seven republican senators had been so brave. Because of their bumbling incompetence, we are still talking about this. C'mon already! GET IT DONE. This is just an ambassador! Imagine the hell that we will have to endure once a supreme court position becomes vacant. As Squirrel, astutely pointed out, this is both a bad and dumbfounding precedent. Oh well! I guess, politician acutally does = self-serving crook. At least that is how I'm feeling today, at this very moment. If they can't confirm an ambassador who shouldn't even be an issue, they are never going to confirm a non-leftist, mainstream American (and by that I mean conservative), to the highest court in the land. Pathetic.

At any rate, this weekend I plan on enjoying my kids. Sure I'll play Star Wars for hours on end, but hey, six was a good year for me too! I'll do a little work around the basement, enjoy some good food, drink as much water and cranberry juice as I can stomach, thank as many veterans as I can, and fly my flag-assuming it quits raining.

Have a blessed holiday everyone!


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