Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Moral Equivalence Lunacy

Gulag America? Amnesty International has lost it's freakin' mind! The soviet state employed the gulag system from the time of Lenin until it was finally abolished under Gorbachev. This system reached it's zenith during the Stalin years, and as my 92 year old grandfather likes to say, Stalin nearly makes Hitler look like a boyscout. The death toll under Stalin's reign of terror alone, is estimated in the millions. Carol Platt Liebau has noted elsewhere(half-way down & link), the gulags were a place where priests were covered in human excrement, forced to bless excrement as sacremental, and a where torture routinely included the crucifixion of Christians.
For Amnesty International to call for the President and other U.S. officials 'high-level architects of torture' and to commend foreign governments to arrest them if they cross their borders is utterly absurd. Sheer leftist lunacy!

Total deaths to date in the American Gulag at Gitmo: 0 (source Star Tribune, June 5, 2005).
Yeah that's right--nada.

If you're interested in a little more "heated editorial" than the one I just provided, check out the following:

Screedblog. Read them all.


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Grisby said...

I appreciate your comments and I don't think they are harsh, for perspecive is entirely my point. Yes, what is happening in Sudan is of great--perilously great importance. This is something I've written prolifically of, both in private correspondence and also in posts regards the vast moral wasteland that is the United Nations.

While such horrors exist in this world & continue to be perpetrated upon innocents--this does not negate the simple fact, that an elitist segment of our population clamours with holy reverance for the body politick of the UN. All-the-while regularly denigrating their very own nation.

My point in writing this post, was to express my profound amazement that such a lack of perspective or clear thinking (in moral terms) exists among such "elites" when they purport the most asanine of comparisons. It is hardly jingoistic to express both outrage over the horrors of the world and failing to let such a ridiculous statement go unchecked. What would be outrageous, and utterly minimizing, would be comparing this slight of the United States to the African genocide. That is something that I would not do and is precisely the point of my post in exposing the fallacious thinking of the lunatic fringe.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Grisby said...

Getting testy are you?

First, I may have gotten confused, with pre-Pundits blogging, so you're stuck having to take my word for it.

Second, the fact that nobody is making that comparison is the whole STINKING point. It's an asanine comparison even for moral equivalents. Unfortunately, such craziness is becoming all to commonplace. Gitmo as death camp? How can a Jewish man say such a statment in good conscience?

C'mon Miranda, give me a little credit here. Having an appreciation for language helps us to communicate more precisely our intent, which is why this post was written in the first place. Sloppy comparisons & mis-attributions blur lines and cause confusion. Which again is why this post was written, not to expose every other grave injustice in the world. If I don't seem sufficently outraged, you're gonna half to take my word for it.

Oops. Looks like I the one who's testy.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Grisby said...

Sorry about that. Had a rough day + tired + misread your meaning = blow-up = look like jerk/feel stupid. Forgive me?


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