Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Squirrel On Assignment (Part II)

I put on my best jungle jacket again today and went back into the field. I received good intel that, over the lunch hour on Nicollet Mall, our “friends” at were having a petition signing opposing President Bush’s Social Security Plan.

I arrived on the scene shortly after 11:00 a.m. They had staked out the corners of 8th and Nicollet. There were approximately three on each corner for a grand total of twelve. I observed one television camera (I was unable to determine if they were actually with a local station or were just filming the event).

My first time through the gauntlet, I made it through unscathed. I even had to wait momentarily for a red light. Apparently, I looked too conservative. Approximately five to ten minutes later, I returned through the gauntlet. This time I was accosted twice. I was asked if I would like to sign a petition against the privatization of social security. I respond, “Sorry, I support private accounts.” Leaving them stunned, I walked on.

A point of interest in case you missed it above. They are playing on peoples fears. They specifically said “privatization.” Their stickers said no privatization. Their handouts, which I saw, but was not offered (I wonder why), all referenced privatization. You will, however, note my response. “I support private accounts.” The President’s proposal is not to privatize social security, but rather to establish private accounts for younger workers. Of course, that information was not prominently displayed.

For, this is Squirrel reporting. Courage.


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Squirrel said...

While I would like nothing more than to be present when our esteemed leader arrives, alas, my gainful employment restricts my activities on that day. While I'm sure that their will be protesters at the event, it appears that the "friends" I made at yesterday's event will instead be gathering in St. Paul. Apperently, they do not seem the find proximaty to the intended target of one's protest as important.


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