Monday, January 24, 2005

Beating A Dead Horse

Quick Note: I added a crucial piece (in last paragraph) to my "Buffet" post, that my editor's eye somehow missed. Oh well, bet late than never.

Six days till history is made. I think free Iraqi elections portends well for an exit strategy; although the repurcussions of such an exit, could yield some, shall I say, interesting consequences. More to come later.

This morning on my way in to work, I caught a portion of Laura Ingraham's program. She was discussing the passing of the iconic Johnny Carson (Lilek's too, chimes in on Johnny, and as always, is worth the read). They were talking about the class that Johnny displayed. Specifically, someone recalled a moment after Nixon first won office, where Johnny said something to the effect of "Well, I voted for Humphrey, but Nixon is our President and so I stand behind him."

If this is true, it is a worthy example of gentlemanly class rarely seen in public life today. Can you imagine the likes of Alec Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn & Suasan Sarandon, et. al, taking such a posture? Hardly! I can see your scoffing at the very thought. This is unfortunate, for such an act would be a much needed gesture of civility and [cough, gasp...] dare I say, mature wisdom on the part of the left.

Of course this is fanciful thinking on my part. For all the lefty losers who took off from work to protest the inaugeration of President Bush, all anyone hears of such excoriating criticisms and childish whimpers, is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Wah. Wah. Wah. Grow up and get over it already.


At 9:22 AM, Blogger Dana said...

Amen! You see for the hollywood babies, it's all about their ego.


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