Friday, April 01, 2005

Judicial Tyranny

Yesterday, at 9:05am, a once obscure woman named Terri, sighed her last breath--the final acceptance of the ignominious death afforded her by her loving husband and Judge Michael Greer. And so our descent into madness continues.

There are so many things wrong with this, it is difficult to know where to begin. Some have argued publicly, that Michael Schiavo has done the worlds greatest flip-flop. Specifically, in a 1992 malpractice suit, one that yielded a multi-million dollar judgement, it is alleged that Mr. Schiavo stated in deposition, that he had no knowledge of what Terri's wishes were, and as such the amount awarded was predicated on Terri having a life-span of fifty to fifty-five years. That's a lot of care she didn't receive! Armchair Pundits, among a swarm of other blogs, is working to find transcripts or witnesses to these 1992 proceedings.

Shortly (~1 year) after the suit was concluded, Mr. Schiavo, has "clear recollection" of Terri's wishes; therefore he quickly signs a DNR and directs caregivers to withold basic care, e.g., medicines to fight of infections (hint--read the affidavits). This is enough to raise the flag of caution, not to mention, Michael Schiavo's extramarital relationship with the woman who has born him two children as of this date. But circumstances such as these are of no import to the Honorable Judge Greer! Then of course there exists the matter of the experts. Namely, the University of Minnnesota neurologist, Dr. Ron Cranford, who examined Terri in 2001, and who happens to be an avid proponent/advocate for euthanasia. Is it any wonder millions are outraged? This is essentially murder! Sickening.

A regular reader sent me this link, which is well worth the read (HT. d-shire). Check it out.


At 12:30 PM, Blogger Dana said...

Yeah, I can't help but think about all of the residents at ACR Homes and group homes like theirs, who are on feeding tubes. I pray that none of them have Michael Schiavo type guardians. How far have we sunk, to allow a fellow citizen to "starve" to death. There are no words.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Hi Joe, it's Jen Kwofie. What's the difference between Terri and someone like Jakie? A lot of people didn't see the value in his life, even those who maybe should have seen it most evidently. Are we moving into a place where guardians can just "put to rest" troublesome people like him?


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