Thursday, June 16, 2005

Whoa Nelly!

What a day I'm having. This is a day that Lileks would say "makes one forget about our interminable winters." It is day in which I am both grateful and forlorned at being self-employed.

First the good news. I am only working a half-day today. Why you ask? Well, the eldest and middlest child are due for a trip to the dentist and I've been charged with Daddy duty for this assignment. Big day this one. X-rays and the whole bit. Also, decided to part from our normal dentist (for the kids) in favor of a pediatric dentist, as it seems the young Padawan, who is my son, may need to have a couple of his teeth pulled. Unfortunately for him, his permanents are coming in and yet the baby teeth are firmly ensconced within his gums. Like sand fleas on a Bahama's Beach Bunny, these little buggers aren't budging without a drastic intervention. That will be another appointment.

My children. Yes my children. I was a little apprehensive as this was my daughter's first foray, but I am beaming so widely right now, if you were standing near me, you'd think I was a walking Polident commercial. Wink & a shine, the troops rose to the occasion; no complaints, or fussing. I am extremely pleased at their behavior.

Time to leave and so the bill must be settled. Cue sad music, strings accompaniment. Forlorn expression. No dental insurance. My wallet now being $400 lighter, the kids & I bid adieu to the fine folks at the dentist's office.

Home again, playing/singing Veggie Tales songs at the same decibel level reserved for Bon Jovi and Def Lepard during my teenage years. Ah yes, parenthood changes a person and all for the better I must add. Kids eat lunch, Dad changes clothes and puts on a quick four miles, before settling in for a shower, sandwich, and quick good-byes for the office. Yep. It's the best and worst of being entrepreneurial in just a few short hours.

Off to the office, phone calls, emails, schedule changes, bang out post in 10 minutes before I have to run to the bank on the way to Burnsville for an appointment. Who knows what time I'll get home with all the traffic? Ah well, it's all good. I refuse to let this day be spoiled. Enjoy it dear people--it holds the promise of summer!


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