Saturday, February 18, 2006

Goring America

What a week former veep Al Gore had! My how I wish I hadn't typed that sentence. His bloviating this week about US Foreign policy (at the Jeddah conference) has been strictly nauseating, not to mention wildly uncharacteristic for someone of his stature. Just to be clear- by stature I mean having held the office of Vice President of The United States of America, not the laughable caricature that Mr. Gore often presents from the lunatic fringe .

It is unconscionable that a former veep would willingly allow himself to become such a colossal tool for our enemies. The KGB in it's heyday, couldn't have dreamed such useful propaganda. But hey, if it hamstrings the efforts of our State Department and the current administration, well then damn the consequences! Far be it for me to criticize! What a fool I am for wanting to see our foreign policy and broader Middle Eastern campaign succeed--all that second hand smoke must have destroyed too many valuable brain cells!

Some great posts on this can be found over at Michelle Malkin's, Hugh's, the inestimable Mark Steyn, and here & here. You know, the usual suspects. Fine blogging with manifold links.'s all fun and games until somebody gets shot. After all the hub-bub over the cartoons, and the idiot Italian minister and his t-shirt, I would expect a former vice president of mine, to know better. I know, I know. It's the fever swamp. Bush spends like a big government liberal and the left still loathes him!

But really, shouldn't we be optimistic in our dealings with this impeccable reasoning?!


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