Friday, December 16, 2005


When this wonderful piece of news came across the wire, how do you think Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, et. al, felt? Were they overcome by the pro-American/pro-Bush sentiment expressed by the Iraqis? Doubtful. I suspect the first thought concerned political recriminations. Think about it! Near 70% voter turnout? We can't even boast such success within the borders of our own great republic!

Time after time, bench mark after bench mark, the objectives of the American mission in Iraq have been, or are being achieved. How then are we losing this war? How then is Iraq like Vietnam? How is it, that the lefties can tout the term quagmire with a straight face? How is it, that populist America has let that specious claim go virtually unchallenged for so long?

I am proud of OUR mission in Iraq, proud of our leadership, and most of all proud of the men and women of our armed forces, who selflessly make it possible for Iraqis to vote their conscience and choose their own representative government.

Oh wait, I must be drinking the kool-aid right?


At 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on now, the objective of the war was to rid the regime of weapons of mass destruction wasn't it? Saddam was supposedly a threat to us wasn't he? He was implicitly tied to Al Quiada in the attacks on 9/11. (If you have any doubt, just recall the first presidential debate where Kerry had to correct Bush about the war being a response to 9/11. It was Bush's biggest stumble, "I know that") This was the justification of the war, despite the fact that the UN was in Iraq not finding any weapons in their searches. Now you can cast your aspersions on the UN but in the end they were right, weren't they? There were no weapons, chemical biological or nuclear. Saddam was NOT an immediate threat to the US and there were no connections to Bin Laden. The administration has been shifting justification of the war from a threat to our very existence to democratic nation building ever since the threat has been shown to be a complete farce. This administration has been using terror to justifiy any number of dubious policies. How many terror alerts have there been since the election? How has Haliburton benefited financially from the war? The end run around FISA to spy on American citizens ought to be an affront to folks like you who decry the power and tyrany of the state. Their cynical use of the threat of terrorism for their own political gain has been deadly for thousands of Americans and Iraqis alike. It is clear that the objectives of this war were simply to mobilize a political base for political gain, there is NO policy objective guiding this administration. If policy was the rule, we would have invaded North Korea who brags about their nuclear weapons program and who brutalizes their citizens far more than Saddam did. Your short term memory is convenient for cheerleading for the war and this administration, but one only has to go back four short years to see that the "objectives" that brought us into this mess have nothing to do with justifications being spouted about now.


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