Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I know this is possible, but it is certainly a little nuts. It would undoubtedly be more authoritative, if Mrs. Grisby was authoring this post; however, having witnessed the birth of my three children I can assert confidently what I have observed. Namely, my wife delivered all three without medication and even more impressive hardly a sound. The latter can be attributed to her other-worldly concentration and fortitude.

That being said, was it a walk in the park? Hardly. Did she endure a physical pain greater than any physical earthly discomfort previously encountered? Absolutely. In spite of this, there were no wild gesticulations, cursing of the husband or screaming. This speaks much to my wife's character and pain tolerance. None-the-less, is this true for all delivering mothers? Hardly-and nor should it.

That people have different levels of pain tolerance is patently obvious. Second, the lack of medication (in our case) was due to the rapidity of the birth. I have heard of women meditating to such a deep level of tranquility as to block out all sensations of pain. It is possible, but rarer than one would think. Medications exist for a reason, so why not take advantage of all that our technological advances afford?

In light of his ridiculous comments regarding post-partum depression, a story such as this certainly doesn't help Cruise with his moonbat image.


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