Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Stop the Insanity!!!

I mean it this time I really have to stop listening to Air America. If I hear one more insanely stupid thing either my blood pressure will cause my heart to explode or my brain will explode while trying to decipher what was said. Either way it will result in a messy explosion.

So you can all share in my pain, I will describe what I heard last night. On my way home from a late night run to the grocery store, I flipped over to see what the left was thinking and found one Mr. Malloy speaking. They were discussing Senator Durbin’s apology and they didn’t care too much for it.

Anyway a caller came on and said that he felt that someone in the “Bush crime-family” got to Durbin because that was the only rational explanation that he could come up with. O.k. First, I didn’t know that the President was running a syndicated crime-family in his spare time and second, if that is what passes for a rational explanation in the callers mind, I would hate to hear an explanation that was way-out-there. But, it is talk radio and sometimes you get some pretty strange callers. I can live with that.

But, the host picked up the insane idea and ran with it. Yes, someone in the “Bush crime-family” got to Durbin. I couldn’t believe he was saying it. This is the host of a national radio show, even if it is Air America. He continued. He said that he felt that someone got to Durbin and probably told him that they would go after his wife or his children or his parents. At this point, I’m thinking that the host has serious mental issues. I’m also interpreting “that they would go after people” as meaning that someone had some dirt on a family member and that they would starting a mud slinging campaign against this innocent individual. After his next statement I discovered that I was wrong.

Then came the statement that nearly caused my normal rational brain to explode. Mr. Malloy in an attempt to support his argument that someone got to Durbin said, “afterall, look what they did to Wellstone.” This confused me at first. I thought who ever went after Wellstone. I couldn’t remember anything like that. Then it hit me. The host was actually saying that the President, or someone in his “crime-family,” had Wellstone killed. This guy actually thinks that the President of the United States wacked a Senator. My head was spinning trying to comprehend such an insane idea.

I can’t do it any more. I can’t listen to the rantings of lunatics. I really have to stop. Its not good for my health.


At 2:02 PM, Blogger Grisby said...

Feeling the need to cover thyself in sackcloth and ashes? After listening to such inarticulate, banal ramblings, I think you will find some sweet relief in Bill's essay "Sanctuary" at

Here's to the calmer blood pressure of Wednesday.


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