Friday, July 08, 2005

Stark, Raving, Mad

The banality of leftist punditry is infuriating and pitiful. Consider, a day in the life of your friendly neighborhood Jihadi.

"Woke up at 5am and had a box of twinkies with whole milk (skim is for the capitalist whores). Hopped in German auto and raced to train station. Listened to Infidel Swine BBC to catch traffic report of capitalist whores on way to work. After all can't be late today. 5:45am arrived at Kings Cross and rolled up sleeves of Ralph Lauren shirt. Need to make sure that the arms are unfettered for bomb planting. 6am the charges are set. Curse western infidels for the poverty I live in and the fact that the education received was poor. After all, training occurred at an Infidel saturated university graduate school. Thank Allah for my Mullah. Pronounce special curse on Infidels Bush & Blair for their descecration of sacred lands and hideous torture via Brittany Spears music at Gitmo. Quick fantasy of the virgins that await, if the sufficient motivation can be found to blow self up with these bombs." Yeah right.

Once again Hewitt proves why he is the go-to guy for the latest updates. After wading through his prolific postings I would like to highlight a few key items. Essentially, I feel a screed coming on, as my mind is consistently entering headache-ville in considering the inane theories promulagated by the left concerning why jihadis terrorize.

First, check out what their saying on the lunatic fringe. Now that your blood pressure's up let's visit the ever erudite Belmont Club and Mark Steyn to once again prove the absurdity of the left's assertions and their squalid attempts at cogency. Since the barbarism of July seventh was aimed at our greatest ally in the GWOT, let's end with some more Steyn AND Churchill.

In a nutshell, the United States and her allies, namely Britain, Australia, etc. have captured or killed over 3000+ Al-Qaida operatives in over 102 different countries. There has been no terrorism to date within our borders since 9/11. The GWOT has a global reach as is clearly seen by this fact and those asserted in the links above. The President has not been distracted by going to Iraq. Rather, he has been of singular purpose seeing that wasteland as the essential front on terrorism. Is it good reason to think that jihadis won't attempt maximum destruction in each attack? Things could have been much worse yesterday. And the fact that Iraq is a mangnet for jihadis, coupled with the operatives/cells captured and destroyed indicates that they are in fact on the run and the deplorable acts yesterday were a desperate attempt in a cause misunderstood by the social elites of our time, but one that is no less destined to fail.

Our prayers for our friends across the pond.


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