Monday, November 14, 2005

War Of The Worlds

There has been recent discussion on this blog as to the nature of the Great War, that the United States and her allies in the GWOT, find themselves engaged in. It is a clash for the very heart of civilization. As stated, this war is inherently values based.

The Western World, espousing two chief ethics; namely, that of a Judeo-Christian ethic or secular/socialist, finds itself in stark contrast to a radical adherence to Islam, here-to-for, referenced as Islamo-facism. The Counter Terrorism blog, conducted and interview this past summer with French documentary filmmaker (and Middle East reporter) Pierre Rehov. The interview exposes the sickening psychology of suicide bombers. As such, I've provided the link to further elucidate the mindset of this maddening ideology.

Additionally, Tony Blankley and Robert Spencer provide much needed analysis and commentary as two what the uprising in Europe portends for the West. Mr. Spencer, near the end of his article, links to several Islamist blogs. This should leave you fairly convinced as to the coordination and scope of the problem. As such, I believe this to further commend the necessity and urgency of prevailing in this great struggle.


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