Friday, November 04, 2005

One For The Road

For the lefties out there...........

Prager has consistently stated that we are engaged in a cultural civil war. Furthermore, he asserts that the values that will prevail in this war will be:

1) The American value system of the Judeo-Christian ethic
2) Secularism
3) Islamo-facism

Many have denied the significance of what is happening on this front, but Europe is on notice and surely we will begin to see reforms, for the survival of their culture depends on it.


At 5:10 PM, Blogger Grisby said...

I'm not sure if I follow, as I don't know how one can separate Christian from American in the sense that the value system that predominates Americanism, follows from a biblical framework; hence Judeo-Christian.

Now, I do not mean to equate American with Christian in the sense that all Americans are Christian. I have a narrow view of what Christian means and of course we do live in a pluralistic society. That being said, as Mike has pointed out, our society is underpinned, by a Judeo-Christian value system, and this is what makes us unique in the world. It is an essential quality to understanding "Americana."

Consumerism is not a Christian value, as you correctly assert, and certainly we are the penultimate consumers on the planet; and yet this is not distinctly American, but rather more of a western ethic, because consumerism and free markets go hand-in-hand.

Regarding your closing thought, I wholly concur that Christ, be the example that all look to. Humanity is destined to disappoint regardless of how noble or right one may be in their thinking/world-view.

To that end, esteeming one to elevation above The Christ, or rather placing one's faith in a President or evangelical leader, is idolatry. This is not to say there is nothing of value to glean from such sources, but overconfidence in humanity is misguided-Christian or not.

Lastly, despite the fact that we are not a perfect nation, the belief in American exceptionalism, that we have a unique role to play in the world, is founded in the Judeo-Christian ethic, and is in the world's best interest.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Grisby said...

Thank you for your diligence in attempting to comment. The blog has been a bit tempermental lately in regarding commenting.

I see your point that there is inherent danger in equating government (a secular institution) with Christianity. From this basis you reason persuasively.

Where we seem to have gotten off track is in regards to government being "Christian." Again, I am in concurrence with your thesis here; however, I have not asserted that our government is Christian.

Rather, I have argued that a proper understanding of our society is grounded in the value system that undergirds that society. Such a broad scope will include, but is not limited to government. As such, the value system that undergirds our society is that of a Judeo Christian ethic.

This is supported by historical documents such as the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, etc.

Consider, as many as three quarters of those who signed the Declaration of Independence were Christian Pastors. The values of the framers permeates our cultural identity as is reflected in the society they sought to construct.

Government should be secular. It is what the framers intended and it protects the sanctity of religous freedom or pluralism.

Let's take this a step further. One of the biggest stain on our society concerns slavery and race relations.

Consider two examples: It was William Wilberforce who reasoned so persuasively in the British Parliament as to mark slavery's eventual demise in the West.

Second, the American civil rights movement began in the church.

These are two example of how Judeo-Christian values underpin our society.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Dana said...

Very well stated Mike, I agree with you whole heartedly.


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