Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Defeatism Abounds

All I can say is that I am greatly appreciative this man isn't running our country. And if this isn't enough to undermine the morale of our men and women in uniform, this joker adds more fuel to the fire.

The attitude of the left in this nation is so sour, they would rather see Americans die and the GWOT undermined so they can regain political power. If I am wrong on this, why such posturing regarding the war? Such talk serves no practical purpose. It undermines the war effort by demoralizing the troops and the American populace; it emboldens our enemies, and I predict that such pessimism will be met with polictical reprisals in 2006.

If the prevailing attitude of the left today was expressed this fervently in 1942, I would have begun this post with Wie Geht's and ended it with Auf wiedersen! Forgive my spelling, it has been since high school after all, but you get the point.


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