Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Law Of Incremental Change

The entitlement of this post essentially reflects the slippery slope of cultural decision making. For instance, Roe vs. Wade opened a narrow window through which abortion became permissible. Very different from the abortion on demand society of today.

This principle is beautifully elucidated by David Kupelian, the Editor of WorldNetDaily, in his recently published book entitled "The Marketing of Evil". The book essentially flushes out the moral & spiritual decline of Western civilization and how this denigration has occurred within a generation. Kupelian maps the psychological warfare that is characteristic of modern marketing, in shaping the thinking and world-view of significant segment of our population. Below, I've linked to a recent speech he gave further delineating this:

HOW "MARKETING of EVIL" Really WORKS -by David Kupelian. (Dec 14, 2005)

There's an eye opener, huh?


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