Friday, September 01, 2006

Looney Toons

Interesting week news wise. Karr - not charged. That sickens me, as I'd hoped the sicko who committed the crime would finally be brought to justice. Then there is the end of the Plame affair. Turns out, DESPITE all the claims to the contrary, that Sadaam was seeking yellow cake uranium.

Today, we have this report on Iran. Coming soon to a newspaper near you, round 3 in the GWOT! Of course the radical, fundamentalists on the left will ignore this. Iran with a Nuke? Not a threat! Iran with enriched uranium? The press is a tool of the Bushies, can't believe a word of it! It's just another part of their plan for world dominance by spreading the American Empire.

I'm reminded of a Looney Toons cartoon from my childhood. There was an ostrich and when he/she was scared or frightened, his/her head would promptly go into the sand.

Yeah. Ignoring reality works out so well. Looney Toons is right.


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