Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Forgive my violent description, but I can just imagine some jihaddi arming an IED and blowing up a transport when he sees this coming from the wreckage. Gripped in fear he goes reluctantly to his eternal destiny.

Friday, April 06, 2007

This Is What We Get?!

So it has been nearly 2 months since myself or esteemed colleague have offered a post. Well, speaking for myself I am weary of politics. Weary of the Republicans who squandered what was given them and weary of the democrats who can't seem to formulate one shred of policy that makes sense.

Currently, our esteemed speaker of the house is on a personal crusade, conducting policy missions for which she has neither permission or the intellectual acumen to conduct. It is rather disgusting and betrays a profound narcissim that exists among leftists. She has been rebuked by our executive branch, which of course is authorized to conduct foreign policy and also by the nation of Israel's Prime Minister Olmert, for misrepresenting his nation's interests, or should I say just inventing whatever facts float around in that pea-sized brain of hers. Seriously, a bold face lie. And if that isn't enough, it seems Ms. Pelosi may have violated the law as well. Fat chance of anything happening there.