Monday, April 11, 2005

Wah! Wah!

I just love it when people play such nonsensical games! I mean c'mon! There isn't enough evidence to actually file a case, but say what you want anyway. The mindless will lap it up as such rants fuel the fire of conspiracy theorists everywhere. Not to mention, this solidifies permanent victim status. Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear something like this:

"I have no excuse for such a defeat. We had one of the most vitriolic campaigns of modern politics. We had print and television media keenly focused on the problems of the administration. We had Michael Moore and others. We had a Nobel Laureate President casting aspersions. I can't believe I still lost!"

Of course it will never happen because the Distinguished Gentleman is an empty suit. Don't worry Senator. Just keep blaming the Swift Veterans for keeping you off message. Oh, but what was that message you wanted me to hear anyway?

Second hand news all but forgotten.


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