Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Superstar (A Review)

The latest effort from the acapella group Go Fish is entitled Superstar (click on this link to sample the album tracks) and is geared toward kids. In fact, the band procaims it to be "Cool kids music that the whole family will love"!

I utterly agree. The Ten Commandment boogie is quite charming and is the initial single from the album. The title track is a very positive uplifting song that will encourage your children. Specifically, in regards to his or her sense of self worth. This song seems aimed at the down-trodden, or hurting child and because of this I am willing to overlook the fact that the song is ill-named. Of course I am refering to the tenet that all Christian doctrine hangs on. Namely, that God is and must be God centered. God is the only superstar in God's universe, but the spirit of the song is wonderful and I see what the guys are aiming for. Not mention, it is a rather catchy tune.

The album contains some silly songs, two (Friends Of Mine & Be That Way) of which seem to be in the vain of a Veggie Tales style; however the songs don't wear on the nerves as fast. I find these quite humorous, and the latter song incorporates more grown-up references, such as a pass toward Elvis and the like. I often find myself singing these songs at work or in the car, which should reinforce the notion that this album is fun.

The guys cover a classic in Skinnamarinkidinkidink which is phenomenal. More importantly this is a great album to introduce your children to singing as a form of worship. The renditions of Lord I Lift Your Name and Jesus Loves Me are spectacular. The latter boasts a rather interesting, and to my hearing, preferential arrangement.

The album concludes with a beautiful lullaby entitled Sail Away. Mrs. Grisby and I are so fond of this song, we've incorporated it into the children's bed time routines.

So the question now is whether the album lives up to it's billing as music the whole family will love? I will respond in two ways. My children dance and sing everytime they hear a track on the radio. Not to mention, the middlest child, was devastated to learn that the band does not live at the state fair. In her mind, that is the whole reason for going. Second, if when I get into the van to run errands, I ifind the album in the disc player, I will listen to it. Oh yeah! Daddy's rockin' to his kids' music!

It's worth the fifteen bucks. I give it 5 out of 5 stars.


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